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Valentine's Day Gifts 2022 for him - Personalized Gifts for men

February 08, 2022

Valentine's Day Gifts 2022 for him - Personalized Gifts for men

February is bringing soon Valentine's Day! Even if your loved man isn't that sentimental, he will for sure appreciate a romantic gift chosen for him. 

Looking for ideas to celebrate your love and give gifts to remember? I can help you! Let's make this time an accent at personal gifts, one-of-a-kind ones. Let's give attention to beautiful things that may stay with him forever. I am talking about custom jewelry. One more reason, why this article may be interesting to you: all the listed ideas for men's gifts are great not just for Valentine's Day, they are also a great solution for choosing a birthday present, anniversary gift or for giving something special to any other occasion that you celebrate with your man.

Personalized Jewelry Gifts

What is actually custom jewelry? If you have never ordered such a gift, it may be not that clear for you, or you may think just about a band with initials, or friendship pendants with names. There are so many lovely modern designs of bracelets, necklaces, rings, pendants to personalize them, much more than just initial pendants. The main thing that makes such a piece personal and special is a custom engraving. There are also a lot of beautiful ideas I'd like to share with you. You may even be surprised, that the gift will make much joy also for you. How? When creating such a personalized gift, you will get involved into a creative process, that is interesting on its own: choosing a jewelry type, design, colors, and then looking for an appropriate and meaningful engraving according to the occasion, and the person, the gift is for, of course.
So why to choose personalized jewelry? It's your way to make a personal gift. The gift will be one-of-a-kind, cause created according to your wishes and just for you. The process of choosing and creating an item is interesting by itself. You may find your way to make unique gifts to any occasion - with custom jewelry and accessories! Let's go to some examples of personalized jewelry gifts, to see, what type will get your attention!

Before I share with you some wonderful jewelry pieces, let me note that when choosing a gift, you should think of the man, his style, about what he likes and what can cause his smile. Of course, the gift depends as well on how close is the man for you.

Valentine's Day Gifts for Him

If we are speaking about Valentine's Day, of course, first of all, you are looking for a gift for your boyfriend, husband or best friend.

Here is a beautiful idea number 1: Hidden message bracelet for him.


Secret message bracelet

Choose a minimalist style bracelet and engrave it inside with a secret message, just for him. That is a romantic gift, he will love for sure! What to engrave? Considering the romantic occasion, you could engrave just some words of love, a confession, or just "I love you". This may also be a quote about love, how you feel it, a date when you met for the first time, or an engraving of the infinity sign.

One more idea is a personalized ring. A ring - is a very personal thing, its symbolic and traditions connected with it, make the ring that gift that we give only the nearest, only the special one. Here is a ring for men, ready to be both sides engraved. You can also send him your secret message with the ring, as well as add his name or your initials on the outside. Such a ring can be also customized with GPS coordinates of a place where his dreams or heart lives! GPS are coordinates (latitude-longitude) of a place. Find out these coordinates for the place, where you first kissed, got married, or the place that lives as a dream destination in his heart. The beautiful and unusual idea, isn't it?

Personal Gift for Him

Pay attention, that both designs here - of the cuff and the ring - are made in minimalist styles to highlight the message itself. Moreover, these two designs come in adjustable size, perfect for gift-giving, if you are not sure about the size. Such jewelry will surely match any style, he can wear the band and the ring every day, and every time, they will remind him about your care.

You can make nice and touching surprises for Valentine's Day not just for that one and only, you may also express your love and care to father, son, brother, nephew etc. Here a motivation or inspiration jewelry piece will be the best thing to choose! You may also make an accent on a stylish design, especially if it's a gift for your young brother or son, for whom fashion trends and tendencies are important, a stylish and trendy looking piece will surely make a nice surprise.
For example, here is a unisex wrap bracelet of high-quality genuine leather in black or brown colors. A metal plate in silver or gold is the base for engraving. Such a bracelet looks stylish on the wrist and makes a statement. But if you add a meaningful quote to it, it may become a motivation or inspiration jewelry, he can keep forever. Maybe your brother has a favorite musician or someone he adores. Choose a quote of this person that he would like to care on his band. Or maybe find an autograph and order its engraving.

Wrap bracelet for him

Here is one more leather bracelet that may become a wonderful personalized gift for men. If it's a gift for your dad, you may order to engrave his children's names, or a date to remember. The bracelet has an adjustable size and is sure to fit.

Personalized cuff bracelet

Gifts are not just about love, they can express respect, attention, and gratitude. If you are looking for a present for your chef, colleague or teacher, personalized accessories are still a great option, though they don't need necessarily be that personal as a ring or a message bracelet, still be custom created for a certain person, you want to surprise. Consider keychains. A key chain is an accessory that can stay with a man every day, a daily accessory that may become even his favorite talisman. In order to make it such a thing, add some symbols, a prayer or sacral words. If you want to keep it simple, add a funny quote or some words that will cause a smile every time he will look at it! Yes, custom jewelry is not only about being serious, meaningful and thoughtful. Such gifts may just be joyful and surprise with a special attitude.

Custom keychain for men

Long Distance Boyfriend

If you are looking for a very special gift for your Long Distance Boyfriend, here are more original ideas for you.
What about a bracelet with a sound message engraving? You haven't sent him this kind of message, have you? Such a leather cuff comes with a metal plate that can be personalized with a Sound Wave! How does it work? You need just to record a short message on your smartphone, make a Print Screen of it and send it to engrave. Words of love, a song or even your laugh - sent in such a way, it will be a great gift idea! New technologies allow engraving any picture accurately and with high quality.

Soundwave engraved bracelet

Sound message gift for him

You may also choose a unisex style bracelet, and order two pieces - for him and yourself. Such things may embody your connection and thoughts about each other wherever you are.

Bracelet with custom Message

If you are looking for a soldier gift, a good choice is this black bracelet. The cuff can be both sides custom engraved as you wish.

Black cuff

What would you choose and what engraving idea do you like most?

But back to Valentine's Day!
Here are some facts some may surprise you!

Amazing Valentine's Day Facts

1. Valentine's Day takes its origin in the year 496. This holiday was a successful attempt of the Catholic Church to replace the popular pagan festival (Lupercalia) with a Christian event - the Day of its saint, the patron saint of lovers.

2. In Europe, February 14th was celebrated already in the 13th century. This holiday reached the United States only in the 18th century, and people in Japan and Russia started to celebrate it only in the last century.

3. In Germany, February 14th is the day of mentally ill people. On this day, psychiatric clinics are decorated with red ribbons.

4. Valentine's Day has another forgotten name - "Bird's Wedding." In the old days, it was believed that birds began to twist their nests and were preparing to pair on February 14th.

5. In Muslim countries, Valentine's Day is under the most severe ban. The holiday is considered sinful, which contradicts the beliefs of Islam. No scarlet roses and gorgeous hearts, you may get a fine!

6. The Catholic Church expelled Valentine from the army of its saints in the 20th century. This decision was explained by the lack of evidence and genuine facts about the life and deeds of this priest before Christianity.

7. The Russian Orthodox Church keeps considering the holiday immoral and unworthy of ancient Orthodox foundations and traditions. A day of family, love and fidelity is offered as a worthy alternative.

8. The French are considered the inventors of Valentine cards with poems. On this day, they give their lovers a ripe red tomato - the "apple of love", as it is called here.

9. The Italians called February 14 "a sweet day." Thus, chocolate and other confectionery is the most common gift in this country for Valentine's Day.

10. Americans spend the most money on chocolate sets on thiis holiday - $ 700 million!

11. Every 15th American gives flowers to herself on February 14th.

12. In America, in Texas there is a city called Valentine. The name appeared not in honor of the saint, but on the occasion, when the first train arrived in the city, which happened on February 14 - Valentine's Day.

13. 73% of all flowers sold on February 14 are bought by men. And only 27% by women.

14. Valentine cards hold second place in terms of sales after Christmas cards. A billion heart-shaped postcards are sent annually around the world.

15. In Jamaica on February 14, “naked weddings” are held to attract tourists. From all over the world people come here to stare at the newlyweds, having nothing but an engagement ring on.

16. The first box of chocolate, decorated in the theme of Valentine's Day, was invented and put up for sale in 1868 by Richard Cadbury.

17. Valentine's Day - a fruitful holiday for private detective agencies. Recipients of anonymous valentines constantly turn to them with a request to find the sender.

18. For Finns, February 14th is a celebration of friendship. On this day, they give gifts and show cute signs of attention not only to their beloved, but also to their parents, friends and other close people.

19. In England, there are many signs and beliefs associated with Valentine's Day. Young women hope to predict their family fate on the day.

20. In the old days, lovers made valentine cards by themselves, decorating them with bird feathers, dried flowers, beads, and pieces of lace. It was believed that lace will help to catch a loved one in love nets and charms.

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? What gifts do you give and what you like to get?  Share with me! And..Happy Valentine's Day! 

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