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Top Christmas Gift Ideas for your Loved Woman: wife, girlfriend, mom, daughter or sister + 60 surprising facts about Christmas

November 10, 2021

Top Christmas Gift Ideas for your Loved Woman: wife, girlfriend, mom, daughter or sister + 60 surprising facts about Christmas

Your loved ones will be happy if you present them a glance of magic. How to do it? Easily! It's Christmas coming with its magic. All you need is to find a matching magic gift : )

The Christmas and New Year holidays 2021-2022 begin with the shopping of Christmas gifts. You certainly want to surprise your loved ones with wonderful gifts, to give them a piece of that magic that comes only once a year. So we decided to write many ideas for you so that you surely could choose some you like: for your mom, small sister, loved one, or any other dear lady in your life.

Let's first look at some present categories. If you choose the category, it would be easier to choose a gift from all the amount of options.

Charming Christmas gift Ideas for women

Treasure to jeep forever
Speaking about women, here you can find nothing better than a fine, unique custom jewelry piece. Choose a personalized bracelet, a pendant necklace or beautiful earrings, she would treasure. If you are afraid to choose a jewelry piece in a wrong style, design.. you can choose a classic one, that always sure to meet a good taste and to make it special, personalize with an engraving you want.
What to engrave? You want to show your love and care, right? Choose an engraving that will tell about your feelings. This can be a thoughtful quote, or some inspiring words, a phrase to motivate..or just express, how you feel about her.
If it's a jewelry gift for your mom, engrave the names of her kids, a date to remember or GPS coordinates of her dream place to travel to, to visualize her wish.

Custom bracelet for her

Personalized Christmas gift

Christmas Star necklace for her

Personal care

You can buy face cream, hand cream, body scrub, shower gel, face masks, a set of handmade soaps, a gentle bathrobe and a set of matching towels. All those cosmetic things must be of the best quality, of course.
If you are lost in choosing cosmetics, present the certificate to the cosmetics store. Pay attention to the recommended cold-weather products. Each woman will appreciate a good means of care, especially one, she didn't know about before.

For her bedroom
Lovely cozy pajamas will allow her to feel your care on cold winter evenings. Warm pajamas or a soft nightgown will never be unnecessary. Funny home shoes are also a good gift idea: knitted uggs for the house with a winter ornament, a new warm blanket under which she can warm up while reading a book or relaxing; new bedding (of course, you need to know the size of the blankets and pillows). A natural wool blanket and a pair of orthopedic pillows will last more than one year. Take a closer look, maybe she told of her wish of Starry Sky lamp or home deco, add several CDs with relaxing music.

For her kitchen
Among the useful devices, a multicooker together with a book with recipes is at the top. Such a gift will save a lot of time and health, allowing not to spend all the time in the kitchen. A set of spices in beautiful jars is also a nice idea.
Several cans of tea with different flavors, black and green, together with a jam made by you. Choose a beautiful tablecloth and a large cute teapot. A basket of fruits and oriental sweets will be a pleasant addition to a traditional treat.

For her pleasure time
Electronic devices are very diverse: from a tablet and laptop to electronic scales and all kinds of smartphones.
If she likes to learn something new but has no time for courses, find interesting lectures. There will probably be a field of activity that will interest her, such as a foreign language or yoga.
Books on health, proper nutrition, cooking, painting, historical novels, detective stories. You can also make a selection of her favorite audiobooks, record a collection of informative documentary programs, or all seasons of her favorite series.

Beautiful warm tights, soft woolen scarf, mittens or gloves, a bag, wallet - these are things that please almost every woman!

Let's recall the most interesting options that we were talking in this article about - a list of Christmas and New Year's gifts for your fairy lady:
Face cream
Handmade Soap Set
Certificate for a cosmetics store
Home deco
Warm pajamas or nightgown
New warm blanket
Recipe Book
Set of spices in beautiful jars
Dining or tea set
Soft wool scarf


Do you want more?!
Here you are!

Gift ideas for her to any taste

Gift ideas for housewives: a robot vacuum cleaner, a crock-pot, a beautiful tablecloth, a set for sushi cooking, a device for making cotton candy, a box for needlework, a certificate to the DIY store for her hobby, an interesting workshop, an ionizer or a humidifier air, an orchid.

For business ladies: a trendy wallet, an electronic notebook, a picture reproduction or an unusual vase for decorating an office, business style courses, a fashionable bag, a cool diary, a business card holder, a key holder, her favorite brand wristwatch, designer silk scarf, travel accessories in an elegant bag, an iron-steamer, table fountain.

For beauty blogger: a set of aromatic oils, a backlit mirror, a travel hairdryer, a curling iron, a styler, a certificate to a pool or fitness club, a massage course, a certificate for a spa or beauty salon, a manicure set, beautiful, high-quality cosmetic bag, gold or silver brooch.

It is difficult to give something to a woman who has everything, but there are no hopeless situations. Possible options: a fondue set, a porcelain doll collection, Swarovski crystals, an elegant bag holder, a custom portrait or cartoon for her, an exclusive Christmas cake, theater or movie premiere tickets.

Uff so many ideas..to give you some time to let them get an order in your mind, here are some facts about Christmas! Find what you know and what is new for you!

So here are 60 interesting and surprising facts about Christmas

1. Christmas is one of the most important holidays of Christians all around the world. You probably know that ;)
2. The date of the holiday by the Orthodox: January 7.
3. Alexandrian theologians in 200 BC proposed to celebrate Christmas on May 26.
4. Since 320, the holiday has been celebrated on December 25.
5. December 25th is the birthday of the sun. This date was associated with the celebration of Christmas.
6. The first case of gift-giving was noted in ancient Rome, where in honor of the festival of Saturnalia children were given gifts.
7. The first holiday postcard was created by Englishman Henry Cole in 1843.
8. In 1810, in the United States, the public first saw Santa Claus.
9. Christmas reindeer symbol was invented by Adman Robert May in 1939.

10. Christmas candles are a symbol of understanding your place in the world, as well as the victory over darkness in the soul.
11. Fir - the tree of Christ.
12. Evergreen trees - a symbol of rebirth since pagan times.
13. The first artificial Christmas trees were made by the Germans. The material for them was the feathers of geese.

14. Initially, the trees were decorated with candles.
15. A bucket of water was always placed next to the tree in case of fire from the flame of candles.
16. In the Middle Ages, one started to decorate the Christmas tree with nuts, cones, sweets.
17. The first glass jewelry was created by the Saxon glassblowers.
18. The prototype of the first toy was a paradise apple.
19. In the middle of the 19th century, the mass production of colorful glass balls began.
20. In December 2004, the largest Christmas stocking in history was made in the capital of England.
21. The length of the largest stocking was 33 meters with a width of 15 meters.
22. About 3 million Christmas cards are sent in the United States annually.
23. Golden, green and red: traditional colors of the Christmas tree ornaments.
24. The highest holiday tree that hit the Guinness Book of Records was in 1950 in Seattle. Its height was 66 meters.
25. In the United States, Christmas trees have been sold since 1850. 26. People of European countries believed that on Christmas Eve spirits wake up.
27. Over time, evil and good spirits began to be perceived as elves of Santa Claus.
28. In order to “feed” the spirits, Europeans left porridge on the table for the night.
29. At the beginning of the 19th century, the first book about the holiday “The Night Before Christmas” was published, authored by Clement Moore.
30. Between 1659 and 1681, in the United States, it was forbidden to celebrate Christmas. The reason was the proclamation of the holiday as a decadent Catholic celebration, not related to Christianity.
32. Poles decorate the Christmas tree with spider toys.
33. Residents of Poland believe that the spider once has woven a blanket for a born baby, so this insect is revered.
34. In 1836, Alabama became the first US state to officially recognize the Christmas holiday as a nationwide celebration.

35. Wood is a symbol of the cyclical return of the sun.
36. The log must be burned during the celebration of Christmas.
37. A burning log is a symbol of good luck, health, and fertility, as well as a guard against evil spirits.
38. Saint Nicholas from Mira became the real prototype of Santa Claus.
39. The very first Christmas tree in the White House was set in 1856.
40. At Christmas in Finland, it's a tradition to go to the sauna.
41. On holidays, Australians go to the beach.
42. In honor of Christmas in Spain, the largest lottery is held annually. 43. In England, it is customary to bake a holiday cake, inside of which several objects should be hidden. If someone gets a horseshoe in a piece of cake, this brings a success; the ring stands for the wedding, and a coin - for wealth.

44. In 1819, the writer Irving Washington first described the flight of Santa Claus.
45. In Russia, Christmas began to be celebrated in the 20th century.
46. In Russia, on Christmas days, it was customary to predict the future.
47. It is believed that the results of future predictions will be true since these days good and evil spirits help to see the future.
48. It is believed that happiness is brought by the first guest who enters the house at Christmas.
49. The first song for Christmas was written in the 4th century AD.
50. Many famous Christmas songs were written in Italy during the Renaissance.
51. The tradition of filling stockings with holiday presents came from the story of three poor sisters. Legend says, that one day St. Nicholas made his way through the chimney to them and left gold coins in stockings.

52. White candy with red stripes is a symbol of Christmas. It was invented by a pastry chef from Indiana in the 19th century.
53. The white color of the Christmas candy means light and purity, and the three red stripes mean the Trinity.

54. If you turn the Christmas candy, it forms the first letter of the name of Jesus: “J” (Jesus).
55. In 1955, employees of one of the shops filed an ad with a Santa Claus phone number in the newspaper, however, the number was printed in error. Because of this, many calls came to the air defense center. The workers were not at a loss but supported the initiative.
56. In America, it has become a tradition to call Santa Claus. During the conversation, you could find out where he is now.

57. In the Netherlands, on Christmas night, children put shoes for gifts on the fireplace and put carrots for the magic horse.
58. Children in Italy receive gifts from a good fairy. Those who misbehave can get a cabbage leaf.
59. In Greece, children go to the streets and sing songs praising Christmas.
60. “Happy X-mas” - a wish for a merry Christmas, which has deep roots. “X” is the first Greek-letter of the name of Christ.

The time is flying fast, the Christmas holidays are coming! Let's enjoy this magic time again and prepare gifts for the dearest and nearest!

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